The idea of the soul having mass intrigued me and I wanted to see what this weight would look like in materials that have some significance in human culture. I chose to make simple necklaces each using 21grams, in gold, silver and silk. If I had the opportunity to do it again, I would include salt and clay.
1907, American physician, Duncan MacDougall, born in Haverhill, Massachusetts, proposed that the soul had mass. MacDougall set about proving his theory by weighing patients before and after death. He chose 6 patients suffering from debilitating deceases, giving no detail as to how this occurred or at what intervals the patients were weighed. His results, were varied, but 21 grams became the accepted result and he took this to prove his hypothesis that the soul has mass. However, his practices were considered fallible due to shaky methods and small sample size. scientists disregard his research into this field due to allegations of bias.